Friday, August 24, 2007

Is it June Yet?

People have been asking me if I am excited and ready to go back to work. "NO!", is quickly uttered and I place my arms out in front of me as if my hands are a balancing scale. I say, "this hand is work/school and this hand is vacation". "Work" (I lower one hand slightly), "vacation" (lower the other hand much lower). "Work" (very slight lower), "vacation" (dramatic tilting of the scale on the heavy side). The more and more that I work, the more I long for vacation and retirement. I know, I am forever away from retirement. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy my job and am grateful to God for my job, but I long for vacations. Think it is a result from the fall in the Garden of Eden. This summer has been a nice balance of relaxation, ministry, travel, exercise and projects around the house.

Someone said the other day, "I can't believe that it is August already. Wow, time has flown on by". And I said, "Is it June yet?" Often times my co-workers and I talk about how fast a school year has flown on by. That is a good thing. The minute the last day of school is finished, I want that time clock to slow waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay doooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwn!

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