Sunday, June 8, 2008

Economic Stimulus Payment

Like many Americans, my government issued stimulus check was already spent in my mind. The Lord put a good idea on my heart that I read about on John Piper's blog on how to use the money for His glory. Monday I received my check in the mail, then Tuesday and Friday came along. Tuesday's mail brought the traffic ticket (maybe another post at another time) including what I would need to pay to clear up that ticket and an added amount if I wanted to go to traffic school (and then there is a fee paid to sign up for traffic school). Friday brought along a plumbing clog blocking both of my toilets and showers/bathtub. Roto-Rooter was called out and had to pay the evening weekend wage. Here is yet another example of "the mind of man plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps"~Proverbs 16:9.

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