Monday, February 4, 2008

Those Goofy Students

Middle school, what a age. It never surprises me what these students can come up with. Today during my last class of the day a student asked one of those questions that I just walk away from. The question was this, "Miss ______, if you are blind can you still be a Jehovah Witness?" No answer needed, he was just being silly. Talk about turn and walk away with a chuckle. Goofy student. I am grateful to God for my opportunity to teach and to work with these young people. God refines and molds me often through these pre-teen and teenagers.

Speaking of those goofy teens, one of them passed along a nasty cold to me. It is not often that I miss church or call in sick to work but this cold has done both. I look forward to my unintended day off of work tomorrow to rest and relax. Think I will get some good Pho' soup (Vietnamese soup) for lunch, listen to the sermon I missed on the web, pay my bills and go out and vote.

1 comment:

Some girl from Raleigh. said...

I;m laughing so hard at that question! I know I'll spend the rest of the day chuckling to myself about it.