Saturday, December 6, 2008

I Joined

This past week I joined Facebook. What a cool networking site to connect with current and past friends. I chatted with friends from high school that I have not with in over 20 years. I had to be careful that I was not spending too much time on the site. It can seriously be a time drop, not because it is a great site (because it really is not great), but because you look for friends that you want to catch up with. One might struggle with "making friends" with everyone you have ever known in your lifetime. Some folks on there had over 500 friends. Yikes! I don't know if I could be friends with 500 people. I barely do a good job with my few friends, my kindred spirits, who I would call my closest friends (most of which I don't talk to but once in awhile or an email here and there) little alone all of my acquaintances. But for the sake of a quick update in what is going on in a person's life and to chat with them briefly, Facebook is worthwhile. One category a "friend" asked me to join is my high school prior to Internet. That's right, there was no Internet in high school and barely existed while in college. Oh, how have times changed!

So, if you are on Facebook and you want "to be my friend on Facebook", look me up and ask to be my friend.

On a side note, I think it is hilarious that of my sisters, I being the oldest and the least experienced with computers, am the only one who has blogged and on Facebook. Maybe that is a sign that I am not married and don't have children.

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