Saturday, January 2, 2010

Briones Goal 1/2/10

My vacation started and ended with hikes chipping away at hiking each and every trail in Briones Regional Park in a year. Again today we were slogging through the mud, more mud today than last time, but still equally as beautiful. The morning started out with a warmer fog than last time, we saw many newts (had to be careful not to step on them), this time we saw several red tailed hawks up close. They had incredible markings on their backsides. Suzy and I have almost finished off all the trails in the Northern part of the park. Today's hike was 4.67 miles. My body is starting to really feel good with the hiking. I praise the Lord to be able to explore His incredible creation.
Today, for some reason, both Suzy and I were on the quieter side and that allowed us to listen to the creation and to use our senses. When we attuned our ears and focused we could hear the droplets of rain and dew fall off the bay leaves and fall to the ground below, the swooping of the wings of the hawks, the chirping of the little birds in the bushes and leaves, and the trickle of the stream. There was also the squishing of mud with each step we took, and the exhaling of labored breathing with each uphill step I took and the exclamation of, "This is so incredibly beautiful".
Very nice end to my vacation. Longing for the next hike. The next 4 are already planned.

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