Wednesday, February 25, 2009

God- the Master Artist

The last several days have been so incredible and today especially so. I spent most of the day cloud gazing at work and driving in the car home from work. I am such a cloud lover. When I look at the depth, the complexity, the shape, the differing shades and types, and height of cloud I am almost left breathless. The heavens will be so much more amazing then the clouds. When I see clouds like these (by the way, I was unable to take pictures at work of the clouds but these were taken out through my windshield of my car on the way home from work), I am reminded that God put the clouds in the sky, that He formed them, He allows them to expand and cover the horizon as far as the eye can see. Clouds remind me of God's abundant faithfulness and love He has for me. Clouds like these almost take my breath away and I stand in awe of my Creator.

The top picture was God revealing the dawning of Spring with new life . God again shows His faithfulness. Winter lasts for a season and then He brings about Spring.

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