Sunday, July 22, 2007

Attempting to be a Blogger

Hello all,

Welcome to my blog page! Glad you stopped by for a visit. Anyone who knows me is well aware that I am not the most computer literate but. . . . I was told by my good friend Sandi that it is easy as a piece of cake. Whatever does that mean? I will take a piece of Angel Food cake with berries on the side, please, this is my favorite. Thanks Sandi for helping me to get all set up.

So, I am now part of the blogger world. Almost feel as if I have arrived at a grand mile stone. Yes, a little behind the times but I don't think that I am that far behind the world with blogging. I hope my joining the blogging world is not like the fashion world, in that I see the new style of shoes, I finally get a pair when the prices go down only to find out that the style has already gone by the wayside.

Don't think I will have any main theme of all my posts but just random thoughts. There might be posts sharing about what God is doing in my life, terrible drivers on the road, home improvements, stories of my precious niece, venting over the San Francisco Giants losing streak (they are doing really poorly this year), funny things my middle school students do, good recipes and anything else that is on my mind. If you have any blogging advise please pass it along.

Enough for tonight. As you will notice this is posted before any of you even know that I have a blog page. But I am tired. That's a whole post in it's self on my tiredness at night time.


Anonymous said...

Hi Shells,
I miss you! I am not a blogger, but I enjoy reading the blogs of those dear to me! You are one of those. I hope that you are doing well in the Lord. We will definitely have to catch up soon.
Jen Arend

Steve Scott said...


No welcome is official without posting a comment! I wish you well and look forward to reading your blog.

Anonymous said...

YAY! Shelly has a blog! I am SOOOO excited. You'll love it. Its a great way to look back on everything and keep up with people!

The best way to be a persistant blogger is to blog frequently, in shorter posts.



Anonymous said...

HI Belle!
Wahoo! You are blogging. Eric and I seem to be the family contact for all computer woes. Eric is far more advanced than me, but I know my way around a computer and even I haven't joined or even know how to join the blog world. You, my dear sister, will have to show me.

Love you Belles!

Shelly said...

Thank you all for visiting my new blog page and leaving comments. Have a wonderful day!

Paul Family said...

Hi Shelly,
Jerre told me you had a blog up and running! I am trying to start one for Alan and I. It's I have only tried one posting so far.
Karin Paul